Run the Race is an audacious event that brings together individuals passionate about the mission of Living Water Ministries. Some of these individuals engage in a 200-mile relay race between Traverse City, MI, and Muskegon, MI, while other individuals equally participate in alternative ways. Regardless of how these folks participate, they each have committed to raising $2,000.00 to make our mission real, and they are hoping you might assist their efforts with your generosity.

Since 2018 over 2000 individuals have supported Living Water Ministries in this annual event, creating lasting lifelong impact for the hundreds and hundreds of campers we welcome each summer. In a world where division is commonplace, Living Water Ministries exists to provide a sacred space to come together in community and welcome all.

Tell me more about Living Water Ministries

In short, Living Water Ministries provides faith-based summer camp programs on beautiful Stony Lake in New Era, MI. However, what we do isn’t that simple. Beyond providing the traditional “kumbaya” camp experience, we attempt to utilize the camp environment to create what we call “sacred communities.” In these sacred communities, participants from all walks of life come to know that they are loved and valued by God and each other for exactly who they are. Whether we’re serving students from congregations, children in foster care, adults with developmental disabilities, or training multicultural and anti-racist leaders from all over the country, we believe God is changing the world through the communities we gather as we emphasize faith formation, service, leadership and community.

Join our growing network of support!

What began as a modest fundraiser in 2018 has grown into an annual event that fuels the engine of mission and innovation at Living Water Ministries.  All told, since 2018 Run the Race has been supported by over 2250 donors from around the US and the world, raising over $500,000.00, and has positioned Living Water Ministries to innovatively provide access to our programs through no-cost pricing options, program enhancements, and renewed facilities. We are extremely thankful for all who give of their time and resources to make this ministry possible and available to all of God’s children! You’re invited to join this inspiring community of supporters with your generosity!

Accessibility | Camp pricing offers full rate, half rate, or no rate (free) options to all participants in 2024. Your gift helps create financial accessibility.

Community | Our programs create sacred spaces by bringing together all of God’s children. Your gift helps create community where God’s love runs rampant.

Innovation | Our programs are nationally recognized and award winning. Your gift helps create continued innovation.