Living Water Ministries provides all of God’s children the opportunity to experience intentional community centered in Christ. Through our programs faith is formed, leadership skills are developed, self-esteem and confidence are nurtured, compassion for others is emphasized, and joy is experienced.
Participants encounter the love of Christ in each member of the community and return home equipped as servants of God, to share that same love with others. These experiences are genuine, transformative and are changing the world. Living Water Ministries would not exist without the faith, sacrifice and service of hundreds upon hundreds of people just like you who have committed their time, talents and treasure to a mission and purpose they love.
How to Partner With Living Water Ministries
There are several real and relevant ways you can partner with Living Water Ministries to help us pursue our mission and vision. Whether your gift is prayer, service, or monetary your support serves to increase our impact far and wide.

Everyday Living Water Ministries needs your prayers. Please contact us and let us know you would like to be added to our mailing list, so you can learn how to pray for us and the work God is doing through this ministry.

The success of Living Water Ministries is in no small part due to the dedication of our volunteers. Committed volunteers serve our organization by supporting our summer programs, events, and facilities with their service. Please contact us through this simple form and let us know you’re interested in volunteering.

You can truly make a difference in the lives of our participants with your financial gift. Currently Living Water Ministries has three mission driven giving areas that include: