The Stream is a community of monthly givers who care deeply about Living Water Ministries’ vision of creating communities centered in Christ to transform lives and the world. Establishing a recurring gift will strengthen and provide stability to our Annual Fund and provide life-giving support to Living Water Ministries. Together, with support of The Stream, Living Water Ministries can continue to move forward to bring together all of God’s children to experience Christian community, grow in faith, develop leadership skills, and serve others.
The Difference Monthly Giving Can Make
Through Living Water Ministries online giving system, you can establish a regular, recurring gift, by electronic fund transfer or credit/debit card, on a schedule convenient for you. It is easy to do and makes a lasting impact. Why become a member of The Stream? In addition to helping Living Water Ministries stabilize income, your regular gift directly helps us achieve our mission:
A Symbol of our Gratitude
You may establish a recurring gift at any amount. When establishing your recurring gift at $10/month or greater, Living Water Ministries will begin sharing our gratitude and welcome you to The Stream community by sending you a Camelbak water bottle emblazoned with The Stream logo. In addition, you will receive regular communications showing how your gifts are making a difference, including a copy of Living Water Ministries Annual Impact Report.
Establish your recurring gift is simple. If you would like assistance please contact our Donor Relations Cultivator, Beth Paulo, at 586.980.7766